Issue Twenty-One: Contributors

Anna Amo is a sometime-poet, sometime-lawyer from Bath. She enjoys taking poetry courses, writing to prompts, and reading tremendous amounts of modern poetry. She studied English at Queen Mary and Law at SOAS and spends much of her working life immersed in the so-called “Refugee World”.

Seth Amos was born and raised in South Carolina. He has left San Francisco for New York City. He is the poetry editor of Rivet: The Journal of Writing That Risks. His poetry, reviews, and essays have appeared in Talisman, Sixers Review, Dark Sky Magazine, Legends, and elsewhere. He recently served on the editorial staff at Lapham’s Quarterly. He was awarded a residency at The Rensing Center in 2015.

Patrick Deeley is a former administrative principal of a primary school in Dublin, and was previously on the board of Poetry Ireland.  Six collections of his poems have been published by Dedalus Press, and his memoir, ‘The Hurley Maker’s Son’, recently appeared from Transworld. 

Ceinwen Elizabeth Cariad Haydon has had stories published on the Fiction on the Web and Literally Stories curated short story websites, and in Alliterati, Newcastle University’s literature and art magazine. Her Poems have been published in Poems to Survive In (Fat Damsel), Writers Against Prejudice and In between Hangovers. Eventually, she hopes to facilitate creating writing projects with hard to reach groups. She is currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing at Newcastle University.

Julie Hogg is a Poet and Teacher with an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Teesside. She has work published in many literary journals and magazines including Black Light Engine Room, Butcher’s Dog, Proletarian Poetry and  StepAway Magazine. Anthologized by Appletree Writers, Ek Zuban and Kind of a Hurricane, she is featured in a chapbook, Dark Matter 2, from the Black Light Engine Room Press. Her debut pamphlet collection, Majuba Road, is available from Vane Women Press.

Rayon Lennon was born in Jamaica; he moved to New Haven County, Connecticut at 13. He has a B.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from Southern Connecticut State University and is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Social Work. His work has been published widely in various literary magazines, including, The Main Street Rag, StepAway Magazine, Folio, The African American Review, Noctua Review, The Connecticut Review, Callaloo and Rattle. His poems have won numerous poetry awards, including the Folio Poetry Contest for three consecutive years–2007, 2008, and 2009. He won the Noctua Review Poetry Contest in 2014 and 2015. He also won Rattle’s Poets Respond contest in 2015. His first book of poems, Barrel Children, was released in February, 2016, by Main Street Rag Publishing Company. He is also working on a novel called Roam. “The Ghost of Elms” is from his upcoming poetry chapbook Homeless at Home.

Marie Lightman is a poet and script writer. With poems appearing in I am not a silent Poet and The Fat Damsel, is the epigraph in the summer issue of The Linnet’s Wings and has been published in The Rat’s Ass Review’s Love & Ensuing Madness. Her first pamphlet is forthcoming. She runs the Newcastle based The Writers’ Cafe, running drop-in creative writing workshops. In 2015 she published Writers for Calais Refugees, finished publishing a prompt a day in July and is currently publishing the anthology Writers Against Prejudice. She is also three times British Othello Champion.

Aleksander Mogilo is a street photographer from Sofia, Bulgaria. His work can be found on Instagram and Facebook.

Simon Perchik is an attorney whose poems have appeared in Partisan Review, Forge, Poetry, Osiris, The New Yorker and elsewhere. His most recent collection is Almost Rain, published by River Otter Press (2013).  For more information, including free e-books, his essay titled “Magic, Illusion and Other Realities” please visit his website at

G.B. Ryan was born in Ireland and graduated from University College Dublin. He is a ghost-writer in New York City. Elkhound published his Surprised by Gulls in May 2015. He has work in current or recent issues of eleven publications.