Issue Sixteen: Contributors
Malcolm Friend is a poet originally from the Rainier Beach neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. He received his BA from Vanderbilt University, where he was the 2014 recipient of the Merrill Moore Prize for Poetry, and is an MFA candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also a 2014 recipient of a Talbot International Award for writing. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as La Respuesta magazine, the Fjords Review‘s Black American Edition, Alicante’s Información, fields magazine, Pretty Owl Poetry, and elsewhere.
Laura Glenn‘s book of poems I Can’t Say I’m Lost, was published by FootHills. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including, The Antioch Review, Boulevard, Cortland Review, Epoch, Green Mountains Review, Literal Latté, Massachusetts Review, Poet Lore, Poetry, Rattapallax, and the anthology, A Fragile Index of the World. The recipient of a CAP fellowship in poetry and a poetry grant from AE Ventures, she is working on a second book of poems. Also a visual artist, she lives in Ithaca, NY, where she works as a freelance editor.
David Hall is a photographer based in the north east of England. His urban photography is driven by the desire to capture the beauty of Newcastle upon Tyne from as many unique and poetic angles as possible. View his portfolio and follow him on Twitter.
E. A. M. Harris‘s poems and short stories have appeared in several print and online magazines and in anthologies, including Anon, Inside Out, Message in a Bottle, Orbis, Radgepacket online, The Pygmy Giant, Vintage Script, Xenith and You, Me and a bit of We and Cities anthologies from Chuffed Buff Books. She blogs at and tweets at @Eah1E.
Monique Kluczykowski was born and raised in Germany, educated in Texas and Kentucky, and currently lives outside Atlanta, where she teaches at the University of North Georgia. Her nonfiction has been published in The Chronicle of Higher Education and Horse Illustrated, and her poems have appeared in a number of journals, including Number One, the magazine, and The Stonepile Writers’ Anthology, Vol. III.
Ann Matthews is a poet, fiction writer and musician. She has recently completed a three year walking / creative writing project. This took her to the behind and in between places of central Newcastle and North Manchester and culminated in poetry and stories about the cityscape and its inhabitants. Her first poetry pamphlet Strangeways was published by Knives Forks and Spoons in 2014 and she has just completed her first collection, Losing Boundaries Finding Places, which will also be published by KFS. She is currently writing walking poems about the rural landscape of the north Pennines and writing a novel set in in 1990s Berlin.
Originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, Jane Molinary is currently an MFA candidate in creative nonfiction at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Before pursuing her degree, she taught writing and visual art to children in high-need school districts in New Orleans.
Sue Spiers lives and works in Hampshire and some of her work can be found on the Writing Hampshire website which aims to map the county through poetry. Sue has contributed to Limerick Nation (published by Iron Press) and in South, The Interpreter’s House and Dawntreadermagazines.
Brendan Todt lives, writes, and teaches in Sioux City, Iowa. His poetry can be found in Ninth Letter, Roanoke Review, South Dakota Review and elsewhere. His poem “At the Particle Accelerator at Krasnoyarsk” was included in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2013.
Melissa Tombro is an Associate Professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY, in New York City, where she teaches writing. In addition to teaching, she volunteers for the New York Writers Coalition, where she runs writing workshops for at-risk and underserved populations. She lives in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, with her husband Matt and their dog Lily. Her work has appeared in Eclectica and Crack the Spine.
Sally Vogl earned an MFA in creative writing from California State University-Fresno. Some of her recent work has appeared in damselfly press, Hoot Review and Stone Voices. Sally has taught visually impaired students in the Peace Corps, in South Dakota, and in Fresno, CA.